The relationship professional and parent as a cause of burnout. Parents and professionals personal experiences in Neonatal Intensive Care ward.

Cesario Calcagni


This article reports the results related to the topic of parenting in situations of preterm birth emerged from the work of the project “The Step of Care”, created with the staff of the Ward TIN of Hospital of Treviso, between the years 2011-12. I do not intend to propose an organic discourse, I will report instead some results of the action-research breakthrough, which we refer to future field studies around the origin and reasons of stress management of operators and parents in a neonatal intensive care unit. It is hypothesized that parental stress is multifactorial and is also influenced by the organization of the ward and a number of more or less standardized procedures, aware at various levels. A further finding is that the stress of parents influence their behavior on the ward and has consequences for the relationship with the personnel ward, which is to manage the dynamics that seemingly have little to do with their institutional duties.


preterm birth; parenting in ward; PTSD; psychic pregnancy; relationship between parents and pediatric professionals.

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Rivista di Psicologia Clinica. Teoria e metodi dell'intervento

Rivista Telematica a Carattere Scientifico Registrazione presso il Tribunale civile di Roma (n.149/2006 del 17/03/2006)

ISSN 1828-9363

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